#3 of 3 in The Spartacus Rebellion


One life of freedom is worth a thousand in fetters.

Reviews for the Series

"Absolutely brilliant..."

"Excellent trilogy; I really enjoyed these..."

"It gripped me from start to finish."

403 pages e-book paperback

About the Book

Italy, ~73-71 B.C.

The gladiatorial school of Vatia is in ruins, and the rebels now maraud the countryside as they plot the next move. Rome is livid at the news of slaves escaping but sees no reason to send its legions—after all, how long would these depraved animals survive, and what famed commander worth his name would take up the pursuit of lowly men?

But Gaius Claudius Glaber, a new praetor with a failed investment in Vatia's school and a vested interest in capturing the slaves for a rich profit, is gathering mercenaries to destroy Spartacus' rebel holdout on the great mountain Vesuvius.

What begins as an assault to quickly subdue inferior men with supposedly low military skill is about to turn into a nightmare for the Romans, and they will learn what it means to take on an army of the desperate, for whom death by the sword is preferable to servitude for life, led by a man who fears none and whose brilliance outshines Rome’s best. And when the dust settles and blood dries on the earth, history will be written, and the name of Spartacus will be etched on the granite of great stories.

📖 Who This Is For

Perfect for fans of gritty historical fiction that blends known history through meticulous research with an exciting, page-turning tale of grit, revenge, and hope. 'Savior' takes you to Spartacus' war with the Romans and his fateful end.

🌍 The Worlds of the Book

Travel the length and breadth of Italy in this astonishing tale of resistance.